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May 14 2020

Online Tuition Student Success - Kenneth

We are very proud of our online student Kenneth who wanted to share a message of positivity with you all.

Kenneth was first enrolled as our boarding school guardianship student in late 2019. After introducing our Online tuition to his mother, he started Academic English with our teacher Chris and Mathematics GCSE course with Richard from March this year. This was 6 hours per week, 3 hours on each subject. He enjoyed our lessons very much and has built a strong rapport with his teachers. As a result, he started Academic Writing lessons online with us and enjoyed the books that Richard recommended.

Kenneth is a very ambitious young man with great prospects. He’d like to share his drawing with us, hoping to bring some joy and positivity to us during this unprecedented time. We’d like to thank Kenneth and his mother Rachel for their long-term support, and wish them a very successful academic year ahead.

Translation of this message from Kenneth's mother: 'Richard is fluent in many languages, we could communicate in English, Chinese and German. The books recommended by him for Kenneth to read to broaden his horizon have been incredible. Kenneth was so drawn to them and worked harder than ever. Richard also helped greatly with correcting Kenneth’s pronunciation and mistakes, and is always very patient in listening to Kenneth’s ideas and giving very useful advice on improving Kenneth’s writing skills and Maths, which is exactly what we want from a teacher. With Richard’s encouragement, Kenneth is even more motivated and I hope he could teach German to Kenneth in the future'




Kenneth 是去年找到我们学校的。他今年9月份入学就读英国一所著名的寄宿学校,一开始注册了我们的教育监护(guardianship)服务。之后他的妈妈了解到我们的网络课程服务,经过沟通联系,Kenneth从三月份开始进行了每周三次的雅思课程辅导和数学GCSE课程。之后由于喜欢我们的课程以及与我们的老师相处的非常好,他在5月份又报名了写作课程的辅导,为了开阔思维以及为以后在英国上学做充分准备。Kenneth是一个想象力非常丰富,很有独到见解的孩子。Richard老师推荐的书单他都一一读过并且爱不释手,我们很欣慰的看到这么小的孩子就有如此端正的态度以及对自己的未来如此有规划。以下Kenneth的画作-用鲜花化成的彩虹图,希望能鼓励大家即便在至黑暗时刻,也可以看到光亮。家长的反馈也是不错的,也感谢学生妈妈的积极配合和支持,我们相信Kenneth一定会在未来的学习生活里取得优异的成绩!


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